Brother John Omar Lapp shares about being willing to be pruned so that we can bring forth more fruit for Christ. He also expounds on the different fruits that we…
Melvin Stoltzfus shares his personal testimony of how he found joy in surrendering his own will and allowing God to direct his life. The reward of surrender is so worth…
Brother Jesse Lapp shares on the characteristics of a man of God, especially for those in church leadership.
Brother William Slabaugh shared about their exploratory missions trip to Greece and tied that in with Paul's missionary journey and being a witness for Christ.
Are we living in the flesh and trying to do things our own way like Abraham with the bondwoman or are we living in the Spirit and trusting God to…
Guest speaker, Brother Israel Wayne, encourages us that even when trials and testings come, to endure and worship God because we know that He has a plan through it all.
This is a fresh look at the Vision for the Church and Youth Group. There was also new youth pastors instated in this morning's service.
Brother Samuel Lapp shares on the importance of being prepared for and how to engage in effective spirtual warfare.